Save the green cover and conserve forests. Save hills before they are referred in stories as once upon a time. Conserve energy by turning-off lights when not required. Avoid dumping disposables on railway tracks, open lands, river and sea shores to prevent landfills and to ensure a clean environment. Timely vaccination can protect precious little lives from vaccine-preventable diseases—Save a child, save a life, and save a dream. Refer government and regulatory advisories, directives, or guidelines. Keep first-aid kit at home and workplace for use in emergencies. If possible, try to help the elderly if you find that they are unable to cross the road due to heavy traffic. If possible, offer your seat to the elderly or those in need in buses and metro trains. Cover water containers to prevent dengue.

వరద ప్రభావిత ప్రాంతాల్లో అప్రమత్తంగా మరియు సురక్షితంగా ఉండండి.

France out of the World Cup

Just a few moments back, France lost a World Cup match to South Africa 1-2. The defeat comes in the aftermath of an ugly and avoidable crisis in the French camp. For the French and all their fans world over, it is surely a great disappointment. There were runners-up in 2006 and were expected to do well. Nonetheless, as the saying goes Darkness Could Only Give Way to Sunshine, let’s hope some remedial measures are initiated to bring back the French glory in the months ahead.

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