Tribute to a Special Person

I got it wrong on the Presidential election. It was a brave decision by the Congress to nominate Pranab da as presidential candidate under the circumstances. However, this post is in dedication to a special person.We come across many people in our lives. While some remain as mere acquaintances, some evolve as friends. In today’s age, friends may not necessarily be of the same age. They may include both young and old. I lost a friend last night. A special person, in his seventies, was steadfast in his trust in me during a crucial period. Whenever I spoke to him, he responded with compassion, which reflected his confidence in me. The same was true for his wife, who survives him. I realize that after my parents and immediate family members, this couple was of great help. There are times, when all that you require is others trust rather than any practical help. The greatness of such people with wisdom is that they might not even realize that they are helping others, simply by trusting them. May his soul rest in peace.


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