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Yesterday’s saplings are today’s trees. Today’s saplings will be tomorrow’s trees.

Name: Guava
Hindi: अमरूद/जाम, Telugu: జామ
Scientific name: Psidium guajava
Plant family: Myrtaceae
Rich in Vitamin C
Guava leaves are useful as well for soothing tooth pain.
Over two decades old and doing great. Sometimes, when the temperature is high, the fruits get blackish otherwise they are good. It’s season time. This year it’s good. Trees are important in Bhilai because it is an industrial town. One will find many houses with lot of plants and trees. Guava is one of the common plants that is grown.
(November–December 2024)

Name: Mango
Hindi: आम, Telugu: మామిడి
Scientific name: Mangifera Indica
Plant family: Anacardiaceae
Rich in Vitamin C and K
The flowering stage has begun.
February 2025

Name: Banana
Hindi: केला, Telugu: అరటి
Scientific name: Musa acuminata
Plant family: Musaceae
This one is a small tree. Good harvest.
A few others are growing up.
February 2025

Name: Curry Tree
Hindi: करी, Telugu: కరివేపాకు
Scientific name: Murraya koenigii L.
Plant family: Rutaceae
It’s known for its medicinal value (Koenigin is a glycoside,) and use in traditional medical systems.
Social plant: Widely used in India. People occasionally come to take some leaves.

Name: Papaya
Hindi: पपीता, Telugu: బొప్పాయి
Scientific name: Carica papaya
Plant family: Caricaceae
Rich in Vitamin A and C
Good harvest with the transition to fruit papaya. Now, we will have to wait for the next season. (November–December 2024)

Name: Custard apple
Hindi: सीताफल Telugu: సీతాఫలం
Scientific name: Annona reticulata
Plant family: Annonaceae
Rich in Vitamin A, B6, and C.
Leaves are known for their use in traditional medicines.
Slight damage caused.
Fine as on 26th September 2024.

Name: Mango
Scientific name: Mangifera Indica L.
Plant family: Anacardiaceae

Name: Chrysanthemum
Hindi: गुलदाउदी Telugu: చామంతి
Scientific name: Chrysanthemum indicum
Plant family: Asteraceae

Name: Hibiscus
Hindi: गुड़हल Telugu: మందారం
Scientific name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Plant family: Malvaceae
February 2025

Name: Pomegranate
Hindi: अनार, Telugu: దానిమ్మ
Scientific name: Punica granatum
Plant family: Punicacea
February 2025

Name: Holy Basil
Hindi: तुलसी Telugu: తులసి
Scientific name: Ocimum tenuiflorum
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Contains Vitamin C and Calcium
Known as traditional medicinal herb
Considered as a sacred plant in Hindu religion

Name: Rose
Hindi: गुलाब Telugu: గులాబీ
Scientific name: Rosa
Plant family: Rosaceae

Name: Crossandara
Hindi: अबोली Telugu: కనకాంబరం
Scientific name: Crossandra infundibuliformis
Plant family: Acanthaceae

Name: Night Jasmine / Night-blooming Jasmine
Hindi: रातरानी Telugu: పారిజాతం
Scientific name: Cestrum nocturnum
Plant family: Solanaceae
February 2025

Name: Lemon Scented Jasmine / Azores Jasmine
Hindi: चमेली Telugu: సన్నజాజి
Scientific name: Jasminum azoricum L.
Plant family: Oleaceae
February 2025

Name: Java Plum/Indian blacberry
Hindi: जामुन Telugu: నేరేడు
Scientific name: Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels
Plant family: Myrtaceae
Known for medicinal properties and use in Indian traditional medicine systems
February 2025
Plant taxonomy: Initial of the name of the person (taxonomy authority) who had first explained the plant species is mentioned after the scientific name. For instance, Mangifera indica L. In case of animals, the full last name of the taxonomy authority who had first described the animal species is mentioned. Carl Linnaeus is known for inventing the modern binomial nomenclature.
Removal of weeds helps in the healthy growth of plants. Heavy rains/Inadequate water, pests, inadequate manure, inadequate sunlight, and extreme sunlight amongst others may damage plants. Green shade net can protect plants during the summer season. The summer has started in Bhilai. The felt temperature is higher by five to six degree Celsius than the actual temperature during mornings. A long summer season is ahead. Like every year in the recent times, this is the time for the Green shade net.
Plants and trees help in nature conservation, tackling pollution, and most importantly maintaining the groundwater level amongst others. Some leaves and fruits have health benefits. Trees as well as indoor and outdoor plants make the surroundings serene. Trees provide shelter and food to various bird species. Some of them here include sparrows, Common Myna (Scientific name: Acridotheres tristis, Family: Sturnidae/Starlings/Mynahs), Greater Coucal (Scientific name: Centropus sinensis, Family: Cuculidae) amongst others. Trees provide shelter and food to animal species as well. The common ones here are grey langurs (Scientific Name: Semnopithecus entellu, Family: Cercopithecidae). Sometimes langurs can be a little destructive as well, yet not always. Usually they come in herds, get some fruits and move on.
Some plants are seasonal. Some vegetable plants for which the harvest or yield time or life span is over have been replaced. We may have these plants later again.
Page last updated: February 2025