Indo-Pak Dialogue

Talks or no talks, engage or disengage, war or no war, dialogue or no-dialogue, Kargil or 26/11, Kashmir or infiltration, nuclear test or bus service, military rule or elected government, Dawood or Hafeez, cricket or no cricket, Indo-Pak relations are always a news. 
An attack leads to war rhetoric, a meeting of diplomats results in euphoria. 
News that sells, attracts public attention. The world looks on. Bizarrely, the result remains the same. Indira and Zulfikar, Rajiv and Benazir, Atal and Musharraf, Manmohan and Gilani. Two steps forward and 4 steps backward. India says ISI, Pakistan says RAW. New Delhi remains in dilemma and juggles between handling domestic pressure and its urge to be considered a responsible state in the global dynamics.
64 years after partition, 40 years after the last Indo-Pak war, 12 years after the Kargil war, 10 years after Parliament attack and Agra Summit, 32 months after 26/11, as the two foreign secretaries put it, we are still exploring each other.
So, the saga will continue, Pakistan will continue its flip-flop, India will swing between extreme and moderation.


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