పరిచయం About
Professional Bio:
ఏలూరు (ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్)లో జన్మించిన రజని నగేష్ తాడిమళ్ళ భిలాయ్ (ఛత్తీస్గఢ్)లో పాఠశాల విద్య, డిగ్రీ, మరియు కంప్యూటర్ సాఫ్ట్ వేర్ టెక్నాలజీలో డిప్లొమా చదివారు. ఇండోర్ (మధ్యప్రదేశ్) నుండి ఫైనాన్స్లో MBA చదివారు. అతను ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ SET మరియు UGC NET పరీక్షలు అర్హత సాధించాడు. అతను గతంలో ICICI Bank, ICFAI University Press , EC-Council, (హైదరాబాద్, తెలంగాణ) OUP (చెన్నై, తమిళనాడు)లో వివిధ హోదాల్లో పనిచేశారు. అతను OUPలో వాల్యూ అంబాసిడర్ అవార్డును అందుకున్నాడు. అతను విద్యా పత్రికలకు ఆర్టికల్స్తో పాటు బ్యాంకింగ్, ఫైనాన్స్, ఎకనామిక్స్, మార్కెటింగ్, మేనేజ్మెంట్, సమాచార సాంకేతికత మరియు సంబంధిత అంశాలకు సంబంధించిన పుస్తకాల కోసం అధ్యాయాలు వ్రాశారు. అతను EC-Council కోసం సమాచార సాంకేతిక భద్రతపై శ్వేతపత్రాలను అందించాడు. అతను మేనేజ్మెంట్, అకౌంటింగ్, బ్యాంకింగ్, ఎకనామిక్స్ మరియు ఇంజనీరింగ్పై పుస్తకాలకు సంపాదకీయ బృందాలలో భాగంగా ఉన్నాడు. అతను విభిన్న డొమైన్లకు సంబంధించిన మాన్యుస్క్రిప్ట్లను సవరించాడు. అతను హైదరాబాద్ విశ్వవిద్యాలయ, IPE హైదరాబాద్, SIMS, పూణె మరియు IITTM, భువనేశ్వర్లలో సమావేశాలు/సెమినార్ల కోసం పత్రాలను సమర్పించారు. ఈ పేపర్లు సంబంధిత సమావేశం యొక్క ప్రొసీడింగ్స్/పుస్తక సంపుటాలు/జర్నల్స్లో చేర్చబడ్డాయి. ఆరోగ్యం, పర్యావరణ అనుకూల చర్యలు, సుస్థిర అభివృద్ధి లక్ష్యాలు, ప్రపంచ శాంతి, నిరాయుధీకరణను ఆయన సమర్థిస్తున్నారు. తన మాతృభాష మరియు ఇతర భాషల్లో సాహిత్య, వైజ్ఞానిక, సాంఘిక శాస్త్రం తదితర రచనలను తెరపైకి తీసుకురావడానికి కృషి చేస్తున్నారు.
एलुरु (आंध्र प्रदेश) में जन्मे, रजनी नागेश ताडीमल्ला ने अपनी स्कूली शिक्षा, स्नातक और कंप्यूटर सॉफ्टवेयर टेक्नोलॉजी में डिप्लोमा भिलाई (छत्तीसगढ़) से किया। उन्होंने वित्त में एमबीए (इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश) से किया। उन्होंने आंध्र प्रदेश SET और UGC NET परीक्षा में योग्यता प्राप्त की। उन्होंने पूर्व में ICICI बैंक, ICFAI यूनिवर्सिटी प्रेस, ईसी-काउंसिल, (हैदराबाद, तेलंगाना) और OUP इंडिया (चेन्नई, तमिलनाडु) में विभिन्न पदों पर काम किया है। उन्हें OUP में वैल्यू एंबेसडर अवॉर्ड प्राप्त हुआ। उन्होंने शैक्षिक पत्रिकाओं के लिए लेख और बैंकिंग, वित्त, अर्थशास्त्र, विपणन, प्रबंधन, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और संबंधित विषयों की पुस्तकों के अध्याय लिखे हैं। उन्होंने ईसी-काउंसिल के लिए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी सुरक्षा पर कुछ श्वेत पत्र लिखा हैं। वह प्रबंधन, लेखांकन, बैंकिंग, अर्थशास्त्र और इंजीनियरिंग पर पुस्तकों के लिए संपादकीय टीमों का हिस्सा थे। उन्होंने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से संबंधित पांडुलिपियों का संपादन किया है। उन्होंने हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय, IPE हैदराबाद, SIMS, पुणे और IITTM, भुवनेश्वर में सम्मेलनों/सेमिनारों के लिए पेपर प्रस्तुत/योगदान किया है। ये पेपर संबंधित सम्मेलन की कार्यवाही पुस्तकें/संपादित पुस्तकों/पत्रिकाओं में शामिल किए गए थे। वह स्वास्थ्य, पर्यावरण के अनुकूल उपाय, सतत विकास लक्ष्यों, विश्व शांति और निरस्त्रीकरण के पक्षधर हैं। उनका प्रयास अपनी मातृभाषा और अन्य भाषाओं में साहित्यिक, विज्ञान, सामाजिक विज्ञान और अन्य गैर-काल्पनिक कृतियों को सामने लाना है।
Born in Eluru (Andhra Pradesh), Rajani Nagesh Tadimalla pursued his schooling, graduation, and Diploma in Computer Software Technology in Bhilai (Chhattisgarh). He holds an MBA degree in Finance (Indore, Madhya Pradesh). He qualified in Andhra Pradesh SET and UGC NET exams. He has formerly worked in various positions at ICICI Bank, ICFAI University Press, EC-Council, (Hyderabad, Telangana) and Oxford University Press (OUP) India (Chennai, Tamil Nadu). He received the Value Ambassador Award at OUP India. He contributed articles for educational magazines and chapters for books in the domains of banking, finance, economics, marketing, management, IT, and related topics. He contributed white papers on IT Security for EC-Council. He was part of the editorial teams for books on management, accounting, banking, economics, and engineering. He has edited manuscripts related to varied domains. He has presented/contributed papers for conferences/seminars at University of Hyderabad, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, and Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Bhubaneswar. These papers were included in the respective conference proceedings/edited book volumes/journals. He supports health, environment-friendly measures, SDGs, world peace, and disarmament. He is endeavouring to bring to the fore literary, science, social science and other nonfiction works in his mother tongue and other languages.
The author is an Indian passport holder. Due to his previous work experience, the author is registered with the EPFO with UAN and verified KYC. He is currently registered as a voter in Durg Gramin Assembly and Durg Lok Sabha Constituency. (Phonetic spelling of Durg: d-uu-r-g). He is a teetotaller and a non-smoker. He supports gradual migration of tobacco farmers to other crops without impacting their livelihood.
We are much more than our profession.
Human being first. My career started with a corporate banking firm soon after I finished MBA, which was promising. This was after a 45-minute interview, which was actually a wonderful discussion. However, I decided to be with my family in Bhilai and be of practical help to one of my parents who was recovering from an accident and who was a great source of inspiration. Consequently, I left before I can get the official joining letter, which was pending receipt of MBA result card by informing Mr Shankaran, the then relationship manager at BBK Hyderabad, who appreciated my frankness. As such, this doesn’t appear in the formal resume. I don’t have any regrets and I cherish that I was of practical help to my parent and family. Later, I cleared the written test for the Staff Selection Examination yet couldn’t make it to the post-interview shortlist. After briefly working with an auditor and taking home tuitions, I appeared in an aptitude examination for a six-month course conducted by SIDBI at IIT Kharagpur. While I cleared the test, the concerned faculty advised me to reconsider as I already had an MBA degree. This was again a rare suggestion. I came back to Hyderabad and got an opportunity at ICICI Bank after clearing a computer-based written test, which was followed by an interview. Fortunately, I escaped unhurt in a bus accident near Nagpur while travelling to formally join the bank. I consider this as a turning point because in an instant moment, things could have gone either way. It was a fascinating experience to communicate with people while working at ICICI and to understand the effort that is involved in developing various innovative banking products. The opportunity to work in publishing came with the ICFAI University Press (Selected after clearing written test and interview. Roles: Research Associate and Senior Research Associate). While I cleared the written test when I gave it for the first time, I couldn’t appear for the interview as I couldn’t get leave on the date of interview. At ICICI, our division was working in Mumbai and Hyderabad. Due to some elections in the former, all leaves for Hyderabad team were cancelled on that day. It was a great experience at ICICI and when I visited one of the branches later, I was proud of the Bank. I appeared and cleared the written test as well as the interview when applications were invited again at ICFAI. My MBA background helped me in understanding the working of the wider academic publishing industry. This was followed by a tenure at EC-Council (Selected after clearing written test and interview. Role: Assistant Editor) and Oxford University Press (Selected after clearing written test and online interview. Roles: Associate Editor, Editor, and Senior Editor). I cherish the value addition gained from working with ICICI Bank and various editorial roles and teams in various organizations, namely, ICFAI, EC-Council, and Oxford University Press. It was great to be part of various editorial teams and to work with authors, faculty members, copyright, design, operations, administration, communication, development, commissioning as well as freelancers, typesetters, and vendors. After the initial contribution to books and magazines in 2007, I realized that I had something valuable to contribute to the world and turned to writing on various topics. From writing articles, book chapters, seminar papers, blogs, white papers, editing modules, to editing manuscripts, reviewing edited manuscripts, letters on causes, microblogs, I worked on a wide range of subjects, themes, and ideas. Now with authoring books, there are many bridges to cross and valleys to discover with letters and words. Writing is just one of the many mediums to contribute to a better world. Nature is precious and has been a part of life from a young age. Sustainable and eco-friendly way forward is important for the planet earth. Many publishers develop print as well as digital formats of the written word. It is a great feeling to hold the physical copy of a book that one has contributed by way of authoring or in various ways. I have gratis copies of books and magazines that include my earlier contributions. At the same time, the working of my division at ICICI as well as my work at EC-Council was paperless. I prefer e-books for my authored works. Some books may have audio versions in future depending on the theme and the page extent.
We are fortunate to have many languages. Yet we often come across debates on languages. Some languages are at the verge of extinction. My endeavour is to come up with works in my mother tongue Telugu as well as in several Indian and other languages. I don’t wish to limit myself to a particular genre or category. If people are wondering on science topics in non-fiction, I was a science student who opted for commerce stream instead of science after tenth as there was a craze for CWA, CS, and CA courses in those days. I do keep track of developments in biological and other sciences. Similarly, quantitative techniques was a subject in MBA and CWA stage 2. Hopefully, we will come across some fascinating discoveries. My writing projects are my own ideas. Living beings do face challenges occasionally. It’s a comeback time after an injury. Still, I went out of my way to communicate on various national and international topics, which is a thankless activity. My gratitude to all who had the faith. To the rest, my work during my lifetime is the only response that I prefer. There are many other additional ways to contribute to the society, nation, and the world. I qualified in the Andhra Pradesh SET (Examination Centre wherein appeared: Visakhapatnam. Mode of Test: Offline OMR-based at the Centre) and UGC NET Exam (Examination Centre wherein appeared: Bhilai. Mode of Test: Online Computer-based at the Centre), which opens up the possibility of a combination of teaching (subject to application and recruitment process) and contributing further academic or related work as well as publishing various forms of literary and non-fiction work.
Wars can destroy lives and places. All lives are precious and I support peaceful resolution of conflicts amongst countries. With gratitude to be a citizen of an independent country, I believe India together with other nations can play a greater role in promoting peace and stability in the world. Our world can be a much better place to live in.
Qualification/Education | Institution | University/Board | Academic Year/Session |
Master of Business Administration Specialization: Finance (Full-time, Regular) | Govindram Seksaria Institute of Management Research (GSIMR) Indore, (Formerly Indore Institute of Technology and Management Indore), Vijay Nagar, Indore. Update: The new name of the college reflects the name of the well-known Shri Govindram Technological Society, Indore which had established this Institute. I received the ‘Whomsover It May Concern’ Letter from the College’ with a mention of the former name of the Institute during my batch. Subsequently, I have received the Migration Certificate from the University on application. | Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya | 2000–2002 |
Master of Commerce (Previous) (Non-Collegiate) | Kalyan College, Sector-7, Bhilai | Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur | 1999–2000 |
Diploma in Computer Software Technology (Full-time, Regular) | ET&T Corporation Ltd, Bhilai | ET&T Corporation | 1999–2000 |
Bachelor of Commerce (Full-time, Regular) | St. Thomas College, Ruabanda, Bhilai | Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur | 1996–1999 |
ICWAI Intermediate Stage I (Got exemption in Indirect taxation for subsequent attempts due to high marks in CWA Intermediate stage II attempt) | Bhilai Chapter, New Civic Centre, Bhilai | Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (now ICMAI) | September 1998 (Month and year of declaration of result) |
ICWAI Foundation | Bhilai Chapter, New Civic Centre, Bhilai | Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (now ICMAI) | September 1997 (Month and year of declaration of result) |
11th and 12th | Senior Secondary School, Sector 4, Bhilai | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) | 1994–1995 and 1995–1996 |
9th and 10th | Senior Secondary School, Sector 10, Bhilai | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) | 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 |
3rd Standard to 8th Standard | English Medium Middle School Sector 10, Bhilai | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) | 1986–1993 |
2nd Standard | Mar Gregorious Memorial, Sector 6, Bhilai | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) | 1985–1986 |
1st Standard | Bhilai Nair Samajam, Sector 8, Bhilai | State Board (MP Board during that time) | 1984–1985 |
Pre-primary I and II (Kindergarten) | Ma Sarada Public School, Sector 9 and a School run by Sardarji in Risali Sector, Bhilai | 1982–1983 and 1983–1984 | |
Certifications and Short Courses
Title | Issuer | Month/Year |
Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test, APSET (for Assistant Professor) in Management [This exam is based on the degree in PG, which in my case was MBA and covers all subjects in the Management stream] | APSET, Conducted by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh | June 2024 (Month and year of issue) Received in July 2024. Validity of the certificate is forever. Amongst the top 6% based on cut-off. |
UGC-NET Qualified (for Assistant Professor) in Management [This exam is based on the degree in PG, which in my case was MBA and covers all subjects in the Management stream] | University Grants Commission | September 2023 (Month and year of issue and receipt of certificate). Validity of the certificate is forever. Amongst the top 6% based on cut-off. |
Small Arms and Light Weapons – Short Course Series (Five Modules)![]() ![]() | United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) | 7th September 2021 |
Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) (Nine Modules)![]() ![]() | International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) | 26th September 2020 |
Focus on Peer Review (Nature Masterclasses)![]() | Springer Nature Group | February 2018 |
Understanding Copyright: A Deeper Dive ![]() | Lynda.com | August 2015 |
Award/Prize | Purpose | Issuer | Month/Year |
Value Ambassador Award | For consistently exhibiting ‘passion’, a core value desired at Oxford University Press![]() | Oxford University Press India | September 2014 |
First Prize | For presenting paper titled ‘Talent Management—Competing Through People’ at the National Seminar on ‘Competing Through People—The Strategic Human Resource Management Advantage’. Impromptu Prize was announced after the Seminar at the School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad. This was circulated by our then Centre Head at ICFAI Books Division Hyderabad to all centres, which led to more participation by research associates in seminars and case study competitions. | University of Hyderabad | November 2007 |
Prize | Prize for passing Inter Stage 1 exam on my first attempt | ICWAI Bhilai Chapter | December 1998 |
Prize | For second position in sprint (Interest was there yet couldn’t participate on final selection days on some occasions later on.) | Pre-Primary II | 1983 |
Books Worked on as part of the Editorial Teams
Higher Education Division, Oxford University Press India
As a full-time employee Editing and Editorial Review: Books titled Human Resource Management 2/e, Engineering Metrology and Measurements, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Management Information Systems, Professional Ethics, Financial Accounting, Logistics Management, Operations Research, Consumer Behaviour, Finite Element Methods, Computers in Hotels, Programming, Soft Skills for Hospitality, Economics 1, Business Communication, Business Communication 2/e, Design of Steel Structures, Retail Management 3/e, VHDL, and Cost and Managment Accounting amongst others. As a freelancer, books titled Consumer Behaviour and Public Finance amongst others, as well as teaching notes for various books.
Icfai University Press
Part of the research and editorial teams for: Books titled Private Equity: An Introduction, Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives, Economic Development Strategies, Behavioral Economics: A New Horizon, Evolutionary Economics, Experimental Economics, Credit Scoring: Concepts, Perspectives and Models, Soft Skills for Employability, The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead, Project Management, and Automotive Industry and Climate Change amongst others. Contributions to books by other teams, conferences, and other publications as an author are included in the Publications Section.
Select Projects, Workshops, Presentations, Visits, Seminars, Conferences, and Conventions
Title | Name | Organizer/Institution | Month/Year |
Presentation | Group Presentation (SGSITS Campus), Indore, Madhya Pradesh | GSIMR (IITM, Indore) | Second half 2000 |
Industrial Visit | Dewas, Madhya Pradesh | GSIMR (IITM, Indore) | 2000 |
‘Provisions of Central Excise Act, 1944 and Procedures Followed at Bhilai Steel Plant’ | Summer Project in Finance Management (as an MBA Student) | Development Training Unit, Bhilai Technical Institute, Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai | June–July 2001 |
Participation | Courtesy meeting and discussion with Trustees along with classmates | GSIMR (IITM, Indore) | Jan 2002 |
Participation | Meet (Internal), Shilpakala Vedika, Madhapur, Hyderabad, India | ICICI Bank | 2006 |
Career Development and Succession Planning | National Seminar on Competing Through People – The Strategic Human Resource Management Advantage | The School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad | November 2007 |
Talent Management—Competing Through People | National Seminar on Competing Through People – The Strategic Human Resource Management Advantage | The School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad | November 2007 |
Marketing Innovations in Tourism Services—Enhancing Competitiveness and Sustainability | International Conference on Innovation in Tourism: Competitiveness and Sustainability | Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Bhubaneswar | December 2007 |
Sectoral Shift: Impact of Service Sector on South Indian States with Special Reference to Knowledge Economy | VII Development Convention | Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad | February 2008 |
Visit/Participation | Celebrations for publishing milestone: ICFAI Business School, Shankerpally and Secunderabad Club, Hyderabad | ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad | 2007 |
Participation/Visit | Higher Education Editorial Meeting with the Managing Director and Head-Higher Education Publishing, Oxford University Press India, New Delhi, and School Education Editorial Team Conference (Internal), Surajkund, Haryana | Oxford University Press India | August 2012 |
Vendor Management—Case Studies | Higher Education Editorial Workshop, Annual Editorial Conference (Internal), Alibaugh, Maharashtra, India | Oxford University Press India | May 2013 |
Participation | Visit (and Q&A) by Global CEO, Oxford University Press to India (Chennai Branch) | Oxford University Press | January 2014 |
Participation | Higher Education Editorial Workshop, Annual Editorial Conference (Internal), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India | Oxford University Press India | April 2014 |
Industrial Visit | Higher Education Editorial and School Editorial Teams to a Typesetting and Printing Press, Chennai | Oxford University Press India (Chennai) | 2015 |
Participation | Two day first-aid training (Optional for those interested) | Oxford University Press India (Chennai) | August 2016 |
Volunteering | Trained as a Shot@life Champion (online mode): Shot @ Life works under the UN Foundation. I communicated with the then Campaign Associate to understand the role of Shot@life. The learning was that their activities were primarily US-based, which was out of my purview. As such, I limited my volunteering to create awareness. I actually prepared a comprehensive calendar for 2017 on awareness of various diseases. It coincided with the launch of the measles vaccine in India. However, Shot@life already had an in-house calendar, which I shared voluntarily with many with whom I had access to communication. In general, people in India are aware, and various governments have been active in disease prevention initiatives. Yet it’s a large country, and it’s not necessary that everyone has access to information on preventable diseases. In a later communication in 2017 with the GOI, on my own, I suggested awareness via public transportation/public places, which resulted in prompt communication from the Immunization department, MoHFW. It was assuring. Most of us had no idea at that time that we would have Covid from 2020 to 2022. I did write voluntary posts on various SM platforms on timely vaccination. There was a voluntary ticker on the blog (from the beginning). Even now, the ticker on this site’s homepage has a mention of it. Those involved must take up concerns, if any. Healthcare involves lives; hence the need for people involved to ensure high ethical standards. I had raised concerns whenever I had found something was not in line with expectations. On the positive side, knowledge (not search engine-based) helps in easier conversation with the health fraternity as well as in understanding the severity or otherwise of something. Those close to me and people who I have engaged with are aware. | December 2016 | |
Volunteering | Nuclear disarmament: While some have a problem if I discuss this cause, some others think it is all about marketing if I am not discussing this cause. What many fail to understand is that once one communicates with the government for a cause, it’s a permanent record. The focus of organizations involved in disarmament, including UN bodies, is on enhancing awareness among people, which is a general practice for various causes; yet, it is important for those organizations to engage the countries with the most weapons, whether it is the United States or Russia, whether one likes it or not. I don’t understand the logic of mixing this or, for that matter, any cause with books. I have been formally involved in the book publishing process since 2007 in one way or another. It’s not something that has appeared suddenly, and I have been reading books like many others since the kindergarten days. When it comes to promotion, human rights activists, diplomats, former government officials, public representatives, journalists, and many others have pinned posts regarding their next publication on Twitter or other platforms. I don’t question it, yet I have voluntarily refrained from doing so. | Forever | |
Participation | Pre-Conference Research Workshop on Systematic Literature Review and Meta Analysis | Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Khadki, Pune | December 2017 |
Transforming India through E-governance—Initiatives, Challenges, and Road Ahead | SIMS Annual International Research Conference on ‘Government Initiatives for Transforming India: Implications on Business and Society’ | Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Khadki, Pune | December 2017 |
Select Webinars and Virtual Events
(Participation is not necessarily an endorsement of all views expressed or of the concerned organizations.)
Title | Name | Organizer/Institution | Month/Year |
Virtual Participation | ‘Cyber for All: A Secure and Inclusive Cyberspace for Sustainable Development’ | Fifth Global Conference on Cyberspace (GCCS), (New Delhi) | November 2017 |
Virtual Participation | ‘When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Development Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence’ by Ilene Grabel | Spring Seminar Series on Global Economic Governance, Global Development Policy Center, Boston, MA | 30th January, 2018. |
Webinar Participation | Webinar on ‘Seeing Through Misinformation’![]() ![]() | Knowledge Research Centre, The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi | 7th August 2020 |
Virtual Event | ‘Do We Really Need Nuclear Weapons? Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the time of Covid-19’, Virtual Event | ICRC | August 2020 |
Webinar Participation | E-Symposia on Mahatma Gandhi—’Gandhian Thoughts and Philosophy’. A series of webinars to commemorate the completion of the 150th birth anniversary celebration of Mahatma Gandhi in collaboration with MIT (August 8), Tufts University (August 15), University of Manchester and University of Texas Arlington (August 20), and University of Leeds and University of New South Wales (August 27), 2020. | IIT Kharagpur | August 2020 |
Webinar Participation | Webinar organized by SGSITS Indore on Incubation Center inauguration. | SGSITS Indore | |
Virtual | Cyber Stability Virtual Conference (CS20), | UNIDIR | September 2020 |
Webinar with Q and A | Webinars on RVoting Systems | IIT Bhilai and Election Commission of India | July and October 2020 |
Virtual | UNSDG Action Zone, Virtual Event | UNSDG | September 2021 |
Webinar Participation | Webinar on ‘Role of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Mobility Research’![]() | The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi and GIZ India | 28th October 2021 |
Select Publications:
White Papers for EC-Council (Ten Deadly Sins Series: Network Security, Disaster Recovery and Business Management, Wireless Security, Virtualization Security, Programming, and Computer Forensics. Apart from the aforementioned, white papers on Penetration Testing, US–China IT Security, Phishing, and Trademark and Copyrights)
(In APA Referencing Style)
Books |
Tadimalla, R., [Rajani Nagesh Tadimalla]. (2021). World of My Dreams: Poetry and Prose (First) [E-book version]., Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, Google play books, and major online book stores. For book release info, visit the home page. Opinions and Editorials Journal/Magazine/Articles Tadimalla, R.N. (TBA). Trends in International Banking, Indian Perspective, and Technological Changes Tadimalla, R. N. (TBA). Protection of Investor Interest: Existing Regulations and the Way Forward, TBA (Journal) Tadimalla, R. N. (TBA). An Overview of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Ratings, TBA (Journal) Rajani Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2017). Transforming India through E-governance-Initiatives, Challenges and Road Ahead. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 7(12), pp. 12–22. https://euroasiapub.org (Conference Paper, Published in Journal) Ramani, V. V., and Rajani Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2009). Women in Workforce: The Changing Scenario. Gitam Journal of Management, 7(3), pp. 153–161. Nagesh. (2009, January). Mobile Banking: Gaining Momentum. Professional Banker, IX(1), pp. 47–51. Nagesh. (2007, August). Retail-cum Financial Marts in India: The Road Ahead. ICFAI Reader, X(8), pp. 34–37. Book Chapters Rajani Nagesh, [Rajani Nagesh T]. (2009). Development of Russian Capital Markets and Issues of Corporate Governance. In D. Alagiri (Ed.), The Icfai University Press on Resurgent Russia (First, pp. 72–80). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Ramani, V. V., and Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2009). Indian Manufacturing Sector: Emerging Challenges. In G. Jegadeesan (Ed.), The Icfai University Press on Manufacturing Sector in India: HR Issues and Practices (First, pp. 17–27). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Jain B, R. K., and Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2009). Credit Scoring: An Introduction. In R. K. Jain B (Ed.), Credit Scoring: Concepts, Perspectives and Models (First, pp. 1–15). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Mannar, I. S., and Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2009). Economic Development Model for the Changing Global Scenario. In N. Kumar and I. S. Mannar (Eds.), Economic Development Strategies: Concepts and Experiences (First, pp. 1–18). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Padhi, S. K., and Rajani Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2009). Marketing Innovations in Tourism Services-Enhancing Competitiveness and Sustainability. In B. B. Parida and S. Mishra (Eds.), Innovation in Tourism: Competitiveness and Sustainability (First, pp. 247–264). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. (Seminar Paper, published in Book Volume) Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2008). Internet Banking: A Regulatory Challenge. In D. Alagiri (Ed.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Financial Markets: The Regulatory Perspectives (First, pp. 79–95). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2008). Internet Banking – A Regulatory Perspective and International Experiences. In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives (First, pp. 51–61). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2008). The Spa Industry in USA. In Bala Krishna (Ed.), Spa Industry: Coming of Age (First, pp. 118–132). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Ramani, V V., and Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2008). Issues and Challenges in Hospital Governance. In M. V. Pillai (Ed.), Hospital Management: New Initiatives/Dimensions (First, pp. 33–41). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Rajani Nagesh, [Rajani Nagesh T], and Ramani, [V. V. Ramani]. (2008). Talent Management in India. In S. V [V. Sita] (Ed.), Human Resources Management in India: Issues and Initiatives (First, pp. 222–236). New Century Publications, New Delhi, India. (Seminar Paper, Published in Book Volume) Ramani, V. V., and Rajani Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2008). Sectoral Shift: Service Sector Impact (recte Impact of Service Sector) on South Indian States with Special Reference to Knowledge Economy. In R. K. Mishra and N. Sethi (Eds.), Rethinking India’s Growth Strategy: Services vs Manufacturing (Vol. 1, pp. 244–258). Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, India. (Convention Paper, Published in Proceedings Book) Ramani, V. V., and Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2008). Indian Manufacturing Sector: Emerging Challenges. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and The Road Ahead (First, pp. 141–151). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Jain B, R. K., and Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2008). Internet Banking – A Cost Perspective. In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives (First, pp. 100–108). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Padhi, S. K., and Rajani Nagesh, [T Rajani Nagesh]. (2008). Career Development and Succession Planning. In Sita [V Sita] (Ed.), Human Resources Management in India: Issues and Initiatives (pp. 154–166). New Century Publications, New Delhi, India. (Seminar Paper, Published in Book Volume) Nagesh, [T R Nagesh], and G, V., [G Vijay]. (2007). Trust Management and Conventional Security Mechanism. In R. K. Jain B (Ed.), Trust Management in Virtual Environment (First, pp. 14–24). Icfai University Press. Nagesh, [T R Nagesh]. (2007). Development of Russian Capital Markets and Issues of Corporate Governance. In A. Banerjee (Ed.), Capital Markets in the BRIC Economies (First, pp. 169–178). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Book Reviews/Summaries Nagesh. (2009, December), Best Books. ISSN: 0972-5369, Credit Cards: Issues and Perspectives, Authored by Mithradas Menon and K M Bhattacharya, Best Books, IX(12), pp. 34–39. Nagesh. (2009, November), Best Books. ISSN: 0972-5369, Design Governance: Design as a Key Factor for Innovation and Economic Success, Authored by Christoph Herrmann and Guenter Moeller, Best Books, IX (11), pp. 25–28. Nagesh. (2009, October), An Alternative Approach to Project Management in Public Works: The Indian Context, Authored by M Ramachandran, Best Books, IX(10), pp. 51–54. Nagesh. (2009, September), Economic Sovereignty and Global Capital Flows, Authored by Fikret Causevic, Best Books, IX(9), pp 19–22. Short Write-ups (Published in Books) Economy/Economics: Nagesh. (2008). Rising Inflation. In A. K. Sohani and N. R. Katuri (Eds.), Central Banks and Inflation Management: A Global Perspective (First, p. 95). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad. Nagesh. (2008). Need for Second Generation Economic Reforms. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, p. 242). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). The Demographic Dividend: Challenges Ahead. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, p. 28). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2008). Emerging Trends. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, pp. 57–58). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2008). The Way Forward. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road (First, p. 234). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2008). Evolutionary Linguistics and Evolutionary Economics. In In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Evolutionary Economics. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Finance and Investments: Nagesh. (2009). Farmland: Facts and Figures. In J. Rao N and A. Singh S (Eds.), Farmland Investment – Emerging Trends. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2009. Nagesh. (2008). SMERA. In R. K. Jain B (Ed.), Credit Scoring – Concepts, Perspectives and Models (First, p. 54). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). In R. K. Jain B (Ed.), Credit Scoring Models in Microfinance. Credit Scoring – Concepts, Perspectives and Models (First, p. 33). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2007). Hedge Funds. In Satish, D (Ed.), Private Equity: An Introduction (First, p. 54). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2007. Nagesh. (2007). Real Estate Report. In Satish, D (Ed.), Private Equity: An Introduction (First, p. 237). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2007. Banking: Nagesh. (2009). Recent Initiatives by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. In A. K. Sohani (Ed.), Liquidity Management in Financial Institutions: Concepts and Cases. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2009. Nagesh. (2009). Functioning of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System. In A. K. Sohani (Ed.), Liquidity Management in Financial Institutions: Concepts and Cases. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2009. Nagesh. (2009). Recent Initiatives by the Reserve Bank of India. In A. K. Sohani (Ed.), Liquidity Management in Financial Institutions: Concepts and Cases. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2009. Nagesh. (2008). KYC. In R. K. Jain B (Ed.), Credit Scoring – Concepts, Perspectives and Models (First, p. 42). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2008). RBI Guidelines. In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives (First, p. 176), Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). RBI Initiatives in Internet Banking. In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives (First, p. 186), Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008. Nagesh. (2008). Trends in Internet Banking. In K. K. Puranam and R. K. Jain B (Eds.), Internet Banking: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives (First, p. 48), Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Human Resources: Nagesh. (2007). Brain Drain in Philippines. In V. V. Ramani (Ed.), Brain Drain – Challenges and Opportunities. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Industry/Management/Agriculture: Nagesh. (2009). Types of Land-Leases prevalent in India. In J. Rao N and A. Singh S (Eds.), Farmland Investments – Emerging Trends. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2009). U.S. Farmland: Current Trends. In J. Rao N and A. Singh S (Eds.), Farmland Investment – Emerging Trends. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). Biotech Parks. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, pp. 198–199). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). Demystifying Perceptions: The Emergence of Rural BPO’s. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, p. 183). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). Trends, Initiatives and Challenges in Indian Agriculture. In N. Kumar and V. V. Ramani (Eds.), The Icfai University Press on Indian Economy: Reflections and the Road Ahead (First, pp. 92–93). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Health Care: Nagesh. (2008). Spa Evolution. In Bala Krishna (Ed.), Spa Industry: Coming of Age (First, p. 39). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2008). Croatian Spas. In Bala Krishna (Ed.), Spa Industry: Coming of Age (First, p. 139). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. Nagesh. (2007). Thai Health Care. In P. Nair (Ed.), Urban Public Services – A Development Perspective. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. |
Birthplace and about the place:
Eluru is my birthplace. This is my mother’s birthplace and place of education. Eluru is a district (formerly the headquarters of the West Godavari District) in Andhra Pradesh. Eluru Railway station is on the Howrah–Chennai route. Located on the banks of Tammileru river, Eluru is known for eco-friendly products. It was once part of the Kingdom of Vengi.
Tadimalla is a village in the East Godavari District (formerly West Godavari District) of Andhra Pradesh. This is my father’s birthplace and place of initial education.
Places visited : For information purpose only. (Some may think that just because one prefers e-books that one has only online presence.)
Places visited in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana:
Places visited in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana include, Eluru, Nidadvolu, Tadimalla, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Rajamahendravaram, Kakinada, Guntur, Bhimavaram, Mahadevapatnam , Elurupadu, Anantapuramu, Panyam, Kurnool, Nagarjunakonda, Simhachalam, Annavaram, Dwarka Tirumala, Bhimadole, Srisailam, Renigunta, Tirupati town, Tirumala, Hyderabad, Basar, Beechupally, and Yadagirigutta amongst others. Further, while travelling passed by Vizianagram and Warangal (changeover for connecting train), Parvathipuram, Bobbili, Korkunda, Ankapalle, Tadepalligudem, Guntakal, Kadapa, Tenali, Bapatla, Chirala, Gudur, Kazipet, Dornakal, Khammam, Nalgonda, Sirpurkagaznagar, Ramagundam, Mahbubnagar, Mahbubabad, Gadwal, Dhone (via rail route), Samalkot, Nellore, Kavali, Ongole, Piduguralla, Sattenpalle, Sullurpet, Miryalguda, Bhongir (rail as well as road route), and Pithapuram, Narketpally, Suryapet, Kodad, Medak, Medchal, Adilabad, and Nirmal (road route) amongst others.
Other places visited in India (other than aforementioned and places stayed)
Alibaugh (MH), Bhopal (MP), Dewas (MP), Dhanushkodi (TN), Dharwad (KA), Dongargarh (CG), Gangrel (CG), Hubballi (KA), Jaipur (RJ), Kanchipuram (MH), Kharagpur (WB), Nagpur (MH), Mandapam (TN), Madurai (TN), Mahabalipuram (TN), Manmad (MH), Mhow (MP), Mumbai (MH), Murrum Silli (CG), New Delhi, Pune (MH), Raipur (CG), Rameswaram (TN), Ranthambore–Sawai Madhopur (RH), Shani Shingnapur (MH), Shirdi (MH), Sitlamata-Manpur (MP), Surajakund (HR), Ujjain (MP). Other places include stayover for change at Coimbatore (TN) airport, Tiruchirappalli (TN) and Itarsi (Train). Passed by major places in JH (Tatanagar), OD (Jharsaguda, Rourkela, Titlagarh, Kantabanji, Rayagada), MP [Amla, Betul, Sehore-road and rail, (Sonkatch and Astha on road route), Gwalior, Jhansi, Shahdol, Katni, Jabalpur, Satna], CG (Rajnandgaon-road and rail, Kumhari-road and rail, Bilaspur, Bhatapara, Mahasamund), MH (Bhandara Road, Gondia, Wardha, Sewagram, Hinganghat-road and rail, Naghbir, Chanda Fort, Chandrapur, Balharshah, Akola, Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Aurangabad, Daund, Thane, Kalyan), KA (Bidar, Bellary, Hospet), UP (Agra)
Places stayed and about the place:
Bhilai : Bhilai is a city in the Durg District of Chhattisgarh (formerly part of Madhya Pradesh) and is known for the Bhilai Steel Plant. In the ancient times, the region of Chhattisgarh was known as Dakshin Kaushal or Dakshin Kosala. ‘Chhattis’ means 36 in Hindi and the present name of Chhattisgarh implies inclusion of 36 forts.
The name Bhilai is derived from the ‘Bhil’ tribe. Bhilai includes a planned township area. Hospital Sector is a locality near the JLNHRC (Main Hospital) of the Steel Plant. Sector 8 and Sector 7 are localities in the township. Pragati Nagar is a locality in Risali, which is a municipal corporation in Durg (D-uu-r-g) District. The city is known as mini India for its diverse culture and multilingual population.
Durg is located on the banks of Shivnath (Seonath) river and is known for its folk culture amongst others. Durg Railway Junction is one of the major railway stations in the Howrah–Mumbai route and has been functioning for over 130 years. The city is known since ancient times. Bhilai–Durg are known as twin cities and together constitute the second largest urban area in the state.
Indore: Vijay Nagar is a major locality in Indore. Indore is one of the major cities in Madhya Pradesh. Indore is known for its rich history and the well-known 18th century noble queen, Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar amongst others.
Hyderabad: Central Excise Colony and Sharada Nagar near Shivam Road are localities in New Nallakunta, Bagh Amberpet. Sri Venkateswara Colony is a locality in Saroornagar in Hyderabad. Hyderabad is the capital city of Telangana. Located on the banks of Musi River, Hyderabad is known for its rich culture, tombs, monuments, art and crafts, research, and information technology amongst several others. This city is another example of unity in diversity.
Chennai: Pillayar Kovil Street is situated near Adhanur Flyover in Urapakkam, which is a suburb in Chennai and is part of (earlier Kanchipuram District) Chengalpattu District. Urapakkam has a suburban MRTS Railway Station on the Tambaram–Chengalpattu line. This place is situated next to the National Highway 32 or the Grand Southern Trunk (GST) Road that connects Chennai with Tiruchirappalli (Trichy). Located near the Bay of Bengal, Chennai is the capital city of Tamil Nadu and is known for its rich culture.
Topics of interest: Environment, renewable energy, ecosystems, science and technology, health, sustainable development, rural and urban development, regional development, economics, management, democracies, elections, innovation, writing, literature, language, linguistics, stamps, geography, maps, history, archaeology, culture, places and civilization, bioinformatics, anthropology, evolution, first aid, public health, transit systems, universe, publishing, humanitarian law, international relations, peace and security, disarmament, music, travelling, photography, and sports amongst others.
People from all walks of life are an inspiration. Yet this is an era where people are quick to make value judgements or there is a constant comparison. These days people don’t look for one goal. Once a goal is achieved, people plan for a higher set of goals. Once a dream is achieved, people plan for another set of dreams. One must always be conscious that success means different things to different people. People may or may not be in public life yet may be successful in various fields. Everyone has their own life path. However, despite varied challenges, my generation and the younger generation have more opportunities these days to achieve success or make a mark in various fields or in various ways. At the same time, we should not forget the elderly or previous generations who had achieved success in their respective professions or played an important role in a different and a more challenging era. My father was one such inspiration who achieved success after all odds after the loss of a parent at an young age. A stickler for rules yet compassionate and caring, he always encouraged his children to find their own path. It feels great when the young are successful in their respective fields. My sister is a university topper in her stream. She and her spouse are successful professionals. My father was a caring husband and my mother was a constant support and pillar of strength to him. My mother is a constant source of inspiration and is my Telugu teacher (She cleared the entrance examination for Bhasha praveena course in Telugu conducted by Andhra University. Languages: Telugu, Hindi, and English).
Tadimalla Rama Subrahmanyam
S/o Late Smt Ravanamma [(1921–1997) D/o Late Dr Surampudi–Attili (Andhra Pradesh) and Odisha] and Late Shri Tadimalla Venkata Apparao [(BA English, Agriculturist), brother of Late Smt Ravanamma Madalli and Smt Kamakshi Kaligotla] and grandson of Smt Tadimalla Seshamma and Shri Tadimalla Sarraju [(1875–1950), Agriculturist, Village Head)] Tadimalla, Andhra Pradesh
Birthplace: Tadimalla, Andhra Pradesh
Spouse: Smt. V Lakshmi (Studied in Akividu and Eluru, participated in sports, and skilled in embroidery as a hobby) D/o Late Smt V. Sita Ravamma [(–2007) Relangi (W.G. District) and Eluru, skilled in playing harmonium and hymns] and Late Shri Velicheti Rama Sheshayya [(1908–1975), BA English, Retired as ZP Superintendent, Eluru] and granddaughter of Late Smt V. B. Ravamma and Late Shri Velichety Subbarayudu (Velicheru/Kalavacherala), Andhra Pradesh
ZP High School, Tadimalla
Badruka College of Commerce and Arts, Kachiguda, Hyderabad (1966)
Training in Vizag. Continuing education: Jadavpur University, Adult Continuing Education and Extension Centre, Calcutta (now Kolkata) in collaboration with Academic Board, AIMLTA.
1968 to 1976—Goa Government Medical College, Panaji (Old Campus) (Eight years). He was offered a lien to rejoin within a specific time.
1976 to 2008—Microbiology Department, JLN Hospital and Research Centre, Bhilai Steel Plant (32 years), Steel Authority of India Limited, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. He received an appreciation letter from Dr D Panigrahi, Senior Bacteriologist at JLNHRC in 1981. He was honoured with the ‘Hospital Day Award’ in 1995 by the Medical Department, Bhilai Steel Plant, Steel Authority of India Limited.
Languages: Telugu, English, Konkani, and Hindi
Other Activities: Proactive participation in official training and visits during the tenure at JLNHRC, Bhilai Steel Plant, SAIL in and to various medical institutions across the country including AIIMS Delhi, PGIMER Chandigarh, Kolkata, Vellore, and 40 day training in one of the Government Hospitals in Chennai (1988). Participated and presented a scientific paper titled ‘Study of Enteric (Typhoid) Fever and its Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern in Bhilai’ at XVI All India Conference and Scientific Seminar held in January 1987 in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Member AIMLTA. He was the organizing secretary for AIMLTA Conference held in Bhilai in 1985. He was elected as Joint Secretary from the Medical Department in the Steel Plant Employees Union (three times) and was a member for around two decades. He was passionate about his work and was always conscious that he was in the health profession. His wisdom and selfless activities continue to be a blessing and inspiration for us.