నా జంక్షన్ (My Junction)
A multilingual as well as a multidisciplinary journey and the junction
Letters create distinct words. Words stitch together to communicate in various forms.
Good health is crucial for the overall human development and progress of countries across the world.
The village administrators started an elderly care centre along with a system wherein young can share ideas for better yield and …
Tadimalla, Rajani Nagesh. (2021). World of my dreams: Poetry and prose, First edition.
यह समय क्षणिक है,
यह अब आया और यह अब चला गया,
कल आज भविष्य है और परसों वह अतीत बन जाएगा,
हम इंसान तो महज मुसाफ़िर हैँ,
हमें तो चलते रहना है,
पर यह कुदरत भी अजीब है,
वह दिन की शुरुआत करती है भोर से,
और कहती है इंसान से,
उम्मीद पे यह दुनिया कायम है।
— Tadimalla, Rajani Nagesh. भोर
A planet of beings,
and within every being
a planet of hope.— Tadimalla, Rajani Nagesh. Heist in the Forest and the Resurgence
The importance of human sciences in Economics cannot be understated.
— Tadimalla, Rajani Nagesh. Economics and Human Sciences
కొందరు రైలు ప్రయాణాన్ని ప్రారంభించారు, ప్రయాణం ఒక ఆవిష్కరణకు దారితీసింది, ఈ ఆవిష్కరణ ప్రయాణాన్ని ఆసక్తికరంగా మార్చింది, వారు గమ్యంకి చేరుకున్నారు. వారి జీవితాలను మార్చే గమ్యం.
తాడిమళ్ళ, రజని నగేష్. రైల్వే జంక్షన్: ప్రయాణం మరియు గమ్యం
సాహిత్యం साहित्य Literature
Experience the magic of literary works in various genres.
- Standalone
- Series
- Poetry
- Children’s Literature
- Fiction
భాషలు भाषाएँ Languages
Explore literature in various languages.
- Language specials
- Multilinguals
- Language Families
- Indian Classical Languages
- Endangered Languages
- Indigenous Languages
- తెలుగు జంక్షన్ New
गैर-काल्पनिक Nonfiction
Gain insights on a wide range of concepts and topics.
- Standalone
- Editions
- Sciences
- Humanities
- Creative Nonfiction
- Essays
- Learning Guides
ప్రకృతి प्रकृति Nature
कल जो पौधे थे, वे आज वृक्ष हैं। आज के पौधे कल वृक्ष बनेंगे।
Yesterday’s saplings are today’s trees. Today’s saplings will be tomorrow’s trees.
वृक्षस्य रोपणेन प्रकृतिसंरक्षणे भवति तथा वृक्षस्य छाया ग्रीष्मकाले जनानां रक्षणं करोति ।
సంపాదకీయం संपादकीय Editorial
- Various Topics
- My Thoughts (Archived) (Will be useful for Autobiography)
- Word(s) of the year 2025 shortlist from the first half in July 2025
వినగలిగే ప్రసారాలు श्रव्य प्रसारण Podcasts
Tune into the new season.
- 2025
- 2025
कला కళ Art
Art is a part of humanities. Literature is itself an art. There are many other forms.
- Traditional
- New Age
Details on ‘Junction Extension’ in due course.
వాస్తవం లేదా సమాచారం ప్రసార మాధ్యమాలు वृत्तचित्र Documentaries
Documentaries are usually nonfiction in audio or visual form.
- Standalone
- Series
Details on ‘Junction Extension’ in due course.
నిరాయుధీకరణ निरस्त्रीकरण Disarmament Tracker
- Nuclear: Present Status: 94 Signatories, 73 Ratifications👍(Opened for Signature on 20th September 2017. Came into force on 22nd January 2021.)
- Biological: Four Signatories, 187 Ratifications (Opened for Signature on 10th April 1972. Came into force on 26th March 1975.)
- Chemical: 165 Signatories, 193 Ratifications (Opened for Signature on 13th January 1993. Came into force on 29th April 1997.)
Source: UNODA, Status as in January 2024. This is voluntary for a good cause. Citing is not an endorsement of the organization, people involved, their activities, or opinions of either this or the parent organization, in various forums.
ద్రవ్య విధానం मौद्रिक नीति Monetary Policy Tracker
- Cash Reserve Ratio: 4%*
- Bank Rate: 6.75%*
- Repo Rate: 6.5%*
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation: 6.2% (October)*
- Projected Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2024–25: 6.6%*
*Source: Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review, Press Release by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Monetary Policy Statement 2024–25 and Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee, December 2024
Site Ticker: Health, Environment, Travel Safety, General Helpline Numbers , and Miscellaneous
Site Ticker: Literature Awareness, Language Days, Scientific/Technological Awareness, General Knowledge, and Miscellaneous
శాస్త్రీయ పదం वैज्ञानिक शब्द Scientific Term of the Fortnight New
Multilingual Zone
This is primarily knowledge based and importance whereas the word of the year is based on events and trends in that particular year. Therefore while it is not ruled out, these terms may not necessarily be part of the shortlist for the word of the year.
12th January 2025
Noun. The physiology that uses cutaneous and kinesthetic inputs to create the sense and perception of touch. From a technological perspective, haptics is now an inherent part of many devices and is an important aspect of mixed reality.
స్పర్శ యొక్క భావాన్ని మరియు అవగాహనను సృష్టించడానికి చర్మసంబంధమైన మరియు కైనెస్తెటిక్ ఇన్పుట్లను ఉపయోగించే శరీరధర్మశాస్త్రం. సాంకేతిక దృక్కోణం నుండి, హాప్టిక్స్ ఇప్పుడు అనేక పరికరాలలో స్వాభావిక భాగం మరియు మిశ్రమ వాస్తవికత యొక్క ముఖ్యమైన అంశం.
We are fortunate to have so many languages. From the next fortnight, the definition of the term will be available in two more languages other than English, Telugu, and Hindi—one each from different language families. Therefore, a language may appear more than once.
Scientific Term Archive
- 29th December: Anthropocene (noun): An era wherein human activities intertwine with the nature and cause significant impact. One of the reasons that Anthropocene is not a Geological Time scale for now is that while there has been a greater level of human activity in the recent centuries, humans have been trying to gain supremacy for long. In future, it is possible that Anthropocene may be assigned to indicate an earlier era and the present era may be known with a different name.
- 15th December: Quiescence (noun): In biology, a state wherein cells stop replicating and are in the rest mode. Quiescence can be positive as well as negative. Some cells in quiescence state may ensure protection from damage. In contrast, some cells in quiescence state may resist or evade any external influence like treatment.
పదం शब्द Word of the Fortnight New
Multilingual Zone
This is primarily knowledge based and importance whereas the word of the year is based on events and trends in that particular year. Therefore while it is not ruled out, these words may not necessarily be part of the shortlist for the word of the year.
12th January 2025
నామవాచకం (Telugu). నిబద్ధత అంటే ఏదైనా చేయడానికి లేదా నిర్ణయంపై చర్య తీసుకోవడానికి అంకితభావం మరియు కృషి. Nibad’dhata is a Telugu word that implies dedication and effort to do something or act on a decision.
Obviously, this is a multilingual zone in line with the overall theme.
We are fortunate to have so many languages. From the next fortnight, we will have two words—one each from different language families. Therefore, a language may appear more than once. The meaning will be available in both English, Telugu, and Hindi. The gist is that more people will know about various languages along with the meaning of the respective words.
Word Archive
- विद्यते [क्रियापदम् (Sanskrit)]: अयं शब्दः किमपि मूर्तस्य वा अमूर्तस्य वस्तुनः अस्तित्वं सूचयति । The word indicates the existence of something either tangible or intangible. उदाहरणानि: अस्य नगरस्य पश्चिमभागे सूचनाप्रौद्योगिकीक्षेत्रं विद्यते । नगरस्य येषु भागेषु अधिकवृक्षाः सन्ति तेषु तुल्यकालिकरूपेण स्वच्छः वायुः विद्यते ।
- 15th December: Assonance (noun): In poetry, the use of same letters especially vowels in consecutive or nearby words to create similar sounds.
- 30th November: Break free (Collocation): A broader approach that allows one to get rid of limitations and envisage beyond the apparent possibilities.
Word(s) of the Year Archive
- 2024: Extinction Window (noun). An estimated or probable cycle or range of years wherein any life form or living thing may become extinct due to various causes or factors. Context: Scientific research and an extinct primate [Details regarding the choice: Happy 2025 and Word of the Year 2024, (Blog Posts and Independent Editorials, January 1, 2025), https://rajaninageshtadimalla.in/blog/post/happy-2025-and-word-of-the-year-2024/]
- 2023: మానవత్వం (Telugu), ಮಾನವೀಯತೆ (Kannada), மனித நேயம் (Tamil), മനുഷ്യത്വം (Malayalam), মানবতা (Bengali), মানৱতা (Assamese), ମାନବିକତା (Odia), मानवता (Hindi), માનવતા (Gujarati), माणुसकी (Marathi), मनीसपण (Konkani), ਮਨੁੱਖਤਾ (Punjabi), انسانیت (Urdu), بشریت (Persian), මනුෂ්යත්වය (Sinhala), လူသားဆန်မှု (Burmese), มนุษยธรรม (Thai), lòng nhân đạo (Vietnamese), Kemanusiaan (Indonesian), Sangkatauhan (Filipino), 인간애 (Korean), 人道 (Japanese), 人類 (Chinese), Ανθρωπότης (Greek), մարդկությունը (Armenian), Insanlıq (Azerbaijani), Insanlık (Turkish), האנושות (Hebrew), الانسانيه (Arabic), Человечность (Russian), людство (Ukrainian), чалавецтва (Belarusian), Mänsklighet (Swedish), Ludzkość (Polish), Menschheit (German), Humanité (French), Umanitatea (Romanian), Umanità (Italian), Humanidad (Spanish), Humanidade (Portuguese), Humanity (English) (noun) (Blog Posts and Independent Editorials, January 1, 2024 )
- 2022: Virulence (noun), Level up (phrasal verb) (Blog Posts and Independent Editorials, December 31, 2022)
- 2021: Exodus (noun), Vax (noun) (Blog Posts and Independent Editorials, December 31, 2021)
- 2020: Endurance (noun), Perseverance (noun) (Instagram Post, November 25, 2020)
అందరికీ సంక్రాంతి పండుగ శుభాకాంక్షలు.
Wishing all a happy, healthy, prosperous, blessed, and a great 2025.
Literary Zone
A snapshot of upcoming titles from various language families
- జీవితంలో మాధుర్యం Coming Soon
- రైల్వే జంక్షన్: ప్రయాణం మరియు గమ్యం Coming Soon
- ప్రయాణం Coming Soon
- ప్రతిధ్వని Coming Soon
- వ్యక్తీకరణ Coming Soon
- ವಾಸ್ತುಶಿಲ್ಪಿ
- ಪ್ರಯಾಣ Coming Soon
- நாளின் கடைசி விமானம்
- பயணம் Coming Soon
- യാത്ര Coming Soon
- भानूदयः
- भोर Coming Soon
- सफ़र Coming Soon
- सारांश
- ডাকটিকিট Coming Soon
- যাত্রা Coming Soon
- मुनारा
- रान वाठार
- विपुल
- Railway Junction: The Journey and the Destination Coming Soon (Bilingual)
- Heist in the Forest and the Resurgence (Bilingual) Coming Soon
- The Volcano City (Bilingual)
- Le Guerrier Coming Soon
Nonfiction Zone
A snapshot of upcoming titles from various disciplines
Natural Sciences
Life Sciences
- Archaic Humans and Evolution of Modern Humans Coming Soon
Physical Sciences
- Helio Physics
Formal Sciences
Applied Sciences
Science and Environment
Health and Wellness
- జ్ఞాపక శక్తి (Telugu) Memory Power (English) Coming Soon
- ధ్యానం (Multilingual) Coming Soon
Social Sciences
- Economics and Human Sciences (Bilingual)
- Economics: A Futuristic Approach (Bilingual)
- Geomorphology
- Cultural Anthropology
People, Law, and PScience
We the People, the Nation, and the World
History and Historical Studies
- వేంగి చాళుక్యుల యుగం (Telugu) The Days and Times of Chalukyas of Vengi (English) Coming Soon
Literature and Literary Studies
Linguistics and Language Studies
- Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs Coming Soon
- మన తెలుగు భాష Coming Soon
- Endangered Languages at a Glance